Your Weekly Message of Love - 25th February 2022

and breathe, some time for you xxx

How are you? How are you getting on? How has your week been? I so hope you are so well - I hope your week has been kind to you and you are safe and well there,

Here in the UK we had Storm Eunice and Storm Franklin roll in, it was wild and powerful to see the force of nature roll through - I lost all power, internet and phone service on Friday, I was blessed that I havea real fire, I had plenty of candles, I have a gas hob to heat food and water on - enough for me to feel comfortable and truly enjoy the time away from my phone, from screens - I could do nothing but relax, and it was beautiful - and a reminder for me to take more elongated time away from screens in future - it is usually only an hour or two at a time away from screens - to have an entire day away from screens was a gift,

And I recognise that not everyone who lost power was safe and well, not everyone who lost power had access to heat and warmth, if that was you, my heart goes out to you, and I hope you are fully recovered now, both in terms of power and inner energy, sending a huge hug to you,

As always I pulled out a card for you - so beautiful , so beautiful indeed, I also pulled a card from my own deck of Oracle Cards,

Your cards, this week are -No

  • The answer is no at this time
  • It is not selfish to look after you, remember 'No' is a full sentence
  • When we say No, we open ourselves up to other opportunities

Sage - Be Devoted and Committed

  • Devotion is a poerful energy - right now, angels and ancestors want to acknowledge how committed you are to your growth
  • Your continued dedication to this aspect of your life has been recognised
  • The energy of onenessis offering itself to you right now, and it is important you take some time to integrate it all so that you can be supported and guided by it

So perfect, once again, so perfect!

If you are loving the look of my Oracle Cards, here is a link to buy a set - as the delivery costs and prices are quite high you can choose to buy a copy of 'Kate's Pocketbook of Oracle Cards' instead,

If you would like to book a free half hour chat with me to see if I can help you at this time, here is the link

I hope you have the most magical week, wishing you a wonderful weekend indeed,

With so much love 💖 Sending you a massive hug.

Kate xxx

Categories: : self care, self worth, breathe, compassion, past life, shine, goddess work, kate arbuckle, my natural happiness, seeds of change, kindness, dreams can come true, inner work, hamster wheel to happiness, witch wound, no is a full sentence, you can say no, shed the shackles, time for you, shine your light goddess, shine your light, manifest, manifestation, goddess, you are a goddess