Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light

It's your time, and you are so ready xxx

Step into circle with us, sign up for our Shine Your Light Goddess Bootcamp now, you can start the work straight away and nestle in,
our next call is Friday 24th January 2025 Time to next call :-


Are you feeling stuck in life right now?

Feeling as if nothing is quite going right in your life?

Not sure where to turn next, or what to do in life?

I get it - and you aren't alone there at all, sending such a big hug your way

What I've learnt when I have experienced this in my life, is that listening to spirit during these times is everything

Receiving guidance from your angels, your guides, and the unseen support all around you is everything when the proverbial shit hits the fan

That's why I'm shifting up our Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light Bootcamp in 2024 to offer year long support, teachings, meditation & guidance - to help you to create space in your life to stop and listen to your spirit team - you really don't have to do it alone!

Read on for all the soul nourishing goodness of self care that you can nestle into for 2025, weave self care, spiritual support, guidance & nourishing into your year from the get go

And the best part is, you don't have to wait until our next call to start, you can get started right now with your first module


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Course Summary

Helloooo Dear Amazing Shining Being of Light!

Have you felt as if your light has been dimmed lately? Felt as if life has just got you down? You are not alone & so many people are feeling the same, life most certainly has not been breezy for so many souls lately, 

I get it as I've been the same, having had three family bereavements in 2022, plus a stressful and challenging time of moving home on 2023, three house chains later I finally moved in at Imbolc 2024 - It's not been easy here either,

A few people have said to me 'I don't know how you are still standing after everything you have gone through Kate' 

I am not going to lie, it has been tough - I have had some pretty crappy days, and I'm still bounding along, what has served me so well is creating time in my life to stop, breathe, and listen to my guides, angels and those around me - to listen to their words of wisdom, and feel their nourishing support as I walked the darkest of days with them. 

I worked with some amazing Goddesses in the Spirit Realm to feel the support & guidance they offered & reconnect to the beautiful feminine energy of restorative balance flow through me. 

The difference in how I felt before and after these Spiritual exchanges of energy & guidance was everything

Feeling their support, not feeling as if I was alone in this was everything, 

It got me to thinking, this is what I do at the core, this is how I get through the tougher times in life - and this is how I support, and nourish my soul as I walk through life,

And if I've been going through all of this, I'm guessing I'm not the only one,

That's why in 2024 I'm adding something new to our Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light Bootcamp & Circle, 

You can join anytime throughout the year & roll your wheel of the year from when you step into circle with us, no need to wait until the calender says its a fresh start month!

All this at no extra cost to last year's pricing,

In 2025 not only will we be working through the 8 beautiful core modules to work with incredible Goddesses in the Spirit Realms to shed the shackles of the past, break free of old stories that are holding us back in life & step forward with a lighter & brighter energy focus, we will also be working monthly with our Spirit Teams for focus, guidance, nourishment & support. 

You really don't have to do this alone. 

Every single month we will stop to listen & feel the support around us.

Feel nourished, feel supported & feel loved by those unseen guides around you - it's a game changer.

Here is how the year is shaping up for us. 

  - In January we will be nestling into some self care in the arms of the Weaver Goddess 

  - In February we will be nestling into the energy of love, feeling the love all around us & for ourselves with the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite

  - In March we will be planting the seeds of our dreams with the help & support of the Goddess of Nature 

  - In April we will be releasing the shit in our lives to fertilise the seeds of our dreams, with the Goddess of New Life 

  - In May we will be dancing our dreams into fruition! Celebration! With the Goddess of Dance  

  - In June we will be weeding the fields of our dreams with the Goddess of the Land 

  - In July we will be looking for the signs of a good harvest with the Goddess of the land continued

  - In August we will be bathing in the sun & resting, with the Goddess of Fire  

  - In September we will be enjoying a Harvest celebration! Reflecting on a good harvest of our dreams we planted at the start   of the year, and honouring what didn't work with the Goddess of Autumn 

  - In October we will be Honouring our Ancestors with the Goddess of all that has been 

  - In November we will be entering the beauty of hibernation, rest & restorative energies with the Goddess of Winter

  - In December we will be finding the light in the Darkness, celebrating Winter Solstice with the Goddess of the Midnight Sun

All whilst receiving guidance, love, Spiritual support & sustenance from our angels and guides,

And you are so so so invited to nestle into the space with us, it is going to be  beautiful underpinning of support & nourishment to sustain us through the year.

If that is resonating in your heart, body, mind & soul - then please read on & join is, it will be so very beautiful 🙏

Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light Bootcamp with Kate Arbuckle

Break FREE of the shackles of your past, RELEASE the fears holding you back so that you can step forwards and Shine Your Light so brightly, doing the work that you are here on this planet to do, achieving your dreams, wishes and goals as you go.

Shine your light Goddess, Shine your light the bootcamp came about as I had been working with clients, both one to one and in groups for decades - teaching Reiki, offering workshops on communing with Angels and Guides - guiding so many clients over three decades to connect with their spirit guides, animals and angels to receive the wisdom that is available to us if only we stop and listen. 

What I noticed, and witnessed, both in myself and in my clients is that all of this work is interlinked, and all of this work is like the layers of an onion, you just think you have got it sussed and bam, another curveball is thrown, 

This is all lifetime and lifetimes of work, 

I weaved in coaching, both personal and business coaching into the work I was doing with clients, 

And that is when I really noticed something strange, a common theme that ran throughout so many sessions, 

Clients would have amazing breakthroughs of clarity - suddenly knowing exactly what their next steps would be, 

And something would hold them back, something would stop them from taking those physical steps in the outer world to align with their inner realisations and goals, 

A pattern began to emerge 

It was as if something so integral to their core was holding the back out of fear, I realised that over lifetimes of being told to stay quiet, sit in the corner and don't say a word, they were scared to take a leap of faith and say out loud, to the world what they really wanted to do and be in this world,

Do any of these phrases ripple through your body with a feeling of being 'told off' or that you are going to get into so much trouble? 

"Sit up straight and be quiet!"
"Good girls are seen and not heard"
"Be quiet!"
"What do you know?"

Have you had experiences of being about to speak your truth, and you feel something tightening around your neck? Silencing you somehow? 

After decades of working with clients, I found that the same thing came up over and over again - clients had been silenced either as kids in this lifetime, or they had been silenced in previous lifetimes, 

It suddenly made so much sense, if Women of Spirit had stood up and spoke their truth in times gone by, if Women of Spirit had stood up and said 'I can help, I can make a difference, I have the answer!' They would have been burnt at the stake, drowned, tortured,

It made a huge amount of sense for them to hide in plain sight, not ruffle too many feathers and just keep their head down, 

The problem is that this snowballed over lifetimes of staying quiet. 

Over and over again I worked with clients to go back into their past, both this life and previous lives to honour their ancestors of blood and spirit, and release any shackles that were holding them back from shining their light and speaking their truth in this world, over and over again it was about honouring and healing the past, to heal the present, to heal the future.

The results were amazing, my clients began to just do the things that they had been guided by intuition and spirit, without fear in their hearts and their lives transformed, instead of spending weeks procrastinating on things, they just did it and the results flowed in for them, with ease and grace in their hearts.  

Instead of feeling the fear and doing it anyway, imagine how powerful it would be to release the fear and do it with love?

That is what and why Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light the Bootcamp was born, that is why I created a system and a series of module to help so many wonderful people around the world do the inner work to to help them do the outer work. 

To help so many incredible People of Spirit shed the shackles of the past, both this life and previous lives so that they can shine their lights brightly in this world, achieving their dreams, wishes and goals as they go. 

If any of what I have written resonates with your heart, please know that you are so very welcome to step into the space with us, you are so very welcome to join us - there is no rush to go through the modules, and no requirement to attend every call, you can stay in the background and just do the inner work with the help of the modules, or you can join us in our calls - whatever resonates with your heart, you are so very welcome, 

Imagine the possibilities that will unfold for you when you just take actions towards what YOU want in your life, without fear and uncertainty in your heart, 

Imagine living a life filled with ease and grace?

That is what stepping into the space of working with spirit is all about, and if it resonates with your heart to allow me to be a signpost for you to do the inner work, then it will be an absolute honour to work with you on a deeper level, an absolute honour. 

Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light Goddess Bootcamp

Time to Shine Goddess, it is your time to Shine Dear One 🌞🌟🌞 

Step into Circle with us, feel supported, nourished, practice the most wonderful self care as step into a beautiful safe space to refill your reserves each and every month for an entire year, whilst doing some incredible, deep and magical work at a Soul Level 

By joining us now you will create time and space for you to be you, you deserve some Spiritual Self Care time, and to be supported as you likely support so many people around you - and the bonus is you get to do some amazing inner work as we fo step through the year together, 

Are you a Woman of Spirit who has been resisting shining your light in this world? Are you still hiding? Does your head WANT you to succeed, however something inside of you is holding you back? Keeping you in the shadows? It is NOT your fault! As Women of Spirit, we have been hiding for YEARS! For GENERATIONS in fact! We had to, to avoid persecution in times gone by, to avoid being bullied – we have been taught for centuries to ‘hide in plain sight’ in order to go undetected as we move through this world. We will keep hiding until our Soul, our Ancestors, all those in our Spiritual Lineage, feel SAFE enough to SHINE! I did the same, I HID for years until I realised this. You CAN do the work to feel safe enough to SHINE in this world – imagine what you will achieve when you shine your light out there? Imagine what the Generations to come in your Spiritual Lineage will achieve knowing they are safe enough to SHINE? The possibilities are endless. I have created an 8 week programme designed to help you go back into your lineage, your past to help you heal forgotten wounds & allow your Ancestors, your Lineage feel safe enough to SHINE!

Here is the thing, Dear, Beautiful, Soul - you are here on this Earthly Realm for a reason - sometimes we can get so caught up in nurturing those around us, loving them with all our hearts and supporting them in every way possible, we love them so much ... AND ... then we forget to love ourselves, follow OUR dreams, share our visions with the world - the world needs to hear YOUR story, YOUR VOICE as you have SO much to share. 

Wouldn't it be nice if you felt safe, at a soul level, to speak your truth, share the gifts the Universe has given to with the world, and receive the goodness that is out there waiting for you to step into with love in your heart? 

Wouldn't it be so very nourishing for your soul to move through the fear and paralising thoughts that can creep in just as you are about to take action on your dreams, or voice your thoughts to someone? Wouldn't it be so very good if you felt safe at a soul level to take these actions?

Doing the inner work can make these steps so much easier, I have seen it time and time again, so very often, it is possible to release the shackles of the past, both this life and previous lives so that you feel so so so safe moving forwards in this life and taking real, practical steps towards your dreams, wishes and goals - to truly receive the abundance that the Universe has to offer you, with arms wide open and love in your heart.

You deserve to thrive, you deserve to Shine, from inside out, because you are amazing and are here, in this earthly realm for a reason, you so deserve to feel so safe, at a soul level to speak your truth,

And the bonus is, when we do this work for ourselves, we do the work for those to come in our Spiritual and Physical lineage too! We clear the path for them too, as much as we clear the path for ourselves, such an honour to do,

This is why I created the Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light Bootcamp - to create an easy to follow, step by step process, filled with love and surrounded by like minded souls for you to nestle into, from the comfort of your own home,

Over the course of the 8 weeks, I will gently support and guide you to discover why you may have been hiding your light from the world, so that you can release those blocks and do the work that you were born to do in this lifetime - it really is your time, and you are so ready for the next steps, the world is waiting to hear your voice.

What’s included?

👉 8 Magical Video modules with meditations, rituals, guidance, nurturing & love – taking you back to the past to heal those old wounds, to heal the present and allow you to SHINE your light going forwards. One step at a time.

👉 At least 4 group Q&A Calls through this year to come together as a gathering & discuss our experiences, ask questions and simply be, once you are in, you are in and you will have lifetime access to any future calls we run in the years to come - by stepping into circle with us you will get to nuture your soul and refill your reserves each and every month

👉 Lifetime access to these modules.

👉 12 meditations to help you connect with the Divine Feminine, and 12 beautiful Goddesses for additional support and guidance from the Spirit Realms, should you want to step into that space with them

👉 Private Facebook group

⚡ What results can you expect?

🌟 Uncover your hidden blocks & see yourself Shine

🌟 Feel safe, intrinsically, at a soul level to be SEEN by the people you so want to serve & help in this world, SHINE bright enough for them to find you!

🌟Unlock this potential & feel the results ripple out through your work in this world, if you are a Woman in Business – allow your clients to find you with ease & grace!

Your investment? Just £999 when paying in full! Payment options available, see below xxx 

👉 When? Join anytime! The countdown timer will tell when we our next monthly call is, you can join anyime throughout the month to begin the work

👉 Week one begins a few minutes from your enroll with us!

Payment options One payment of £999 OR You can pay in 12 monthly installments of £99 if it makes the decision a whole lot easier 🙂

I am SO looking forward to seeing you SHINE The possibilities are endless, if it is speaking to you, I hope you can join us,

With so much love, and a huge hug, 

Kate Arbuckle xxx 

International Bestselling Author of Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light The Book

Q1) Do I really get lifetime access?  
A) Yup, really - if for any reason this platform goes away, I will send you direct links to the modules, you have lifetime access to this course so that you can revisit the modules as many times as you like as the more times you repeat the work, the deeper you go

Q2) I bought the course last year, do I really get access to the monthly calls for free this year?  
A) Yes - you do, this is important work as Women of Spirit, once you are a part of our sacred circle, you are in for as long as I am running the calls    

Q3) Do I need prior experience with Spiritual work to join?  
A) No, you don't - you can join wherever you are on the Spiritual journey - the more times you repeat the work, the deeper you go so this course is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners    

Q4) I am not sure if it is right for me, is there a refund period?  
A) For the first time I am offering a 7 day refund period for this course - if within the first 7 days you decide that it is not for you, just let me know and I will refund your payment, no questions asked    

Q5) I have another question, how do I ask it?  
A) Just drop me an email me on    


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Testimonial time!

Julie Provino

Summer 2020 Goddess

There are some courses in life that give you a qualification - whilst others, will give you the chance to reflect and take stock. I have just spent the last 8 weeks on "Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light" and what a transformative, freeing and enlightening program it has been. There has been no better time than right now, in the midst of a pandemic where most of us are seeking some sense of authenticity and truth - I now know who I am, I have let go of the shackles of my past, I've come to understand my lineage and get in tune with my purpose. I have laughed, danced, cried and faced the mirror in such a powerful way... I am leaving after 8 weeks with boundless energy , re-invigorated relationships and a thirst to get going on all of my could haves, should haves and so on. THANK YOU AMAZING Kate for taking me on this journey.......if any of you were thinking of joining the cohort starting next week, there is only one thing I can tell you - the time is now.

Emma Jane

Autumn 2020 Goddess

For those ladies feeling stuck and wanting to shine I cannot recommend this amazing boot camp shine your light goddess shine your light with the talented and wise Kate enough. This programme helped me shift and shine. Check it out It starts Monday!!


Kate is a Mindfulness expert, Usui style Reiki Master Teacher & a Magical Practitioner - Kate has helped countless students go from Hamster Wheel to Happiness TM over the years with her courses and programmes. Kate has spoken globally to 1000's of people on subjects ranging from Mindfulness, Meditation, Reiki all the way through to Magical Arts and Tarot - Kate specialises in walking a wonderful line between be able able to speak as easily to an audience in the Corporate World as an audience at a Festival - a fine art indeed!

A defining moment that changed Kate's life was in September 2009, Kate was working in the Corporate World at the time - working 80 hours a week, driving 100's of miles a week, no time to stop, you know the drill - Kate was so exhausted that she fainted on the motorway, drove across 3 lanes of traffic unconscious, waking up in a ditch surrounded by lorry drivers - Kate had studied mindfulness, meditation, Reiki etc however kept all that good stuff for the weekends - after this life changing episode Kate decided enough was enough and vowed to bring Mindfulness, meditation, Happiness and Self care into her life daily, the results were instant and incredible.

Kate quickly realised so many of her colleagues were experiencing the same struggles she was, and so she created My Natural Happiness and vowed that she would bring the life changing skills she had learnt to others, so that no-one needs to be so exhausted by life that they faint on the motorway and wake up in a ditch again, 

Kate loves upscaling her experience in this lifetime and helping others to do just that too! Kate is passionate about helping Women step out into the world and share their gifts aplenty, and help them receive the abundance all around them - a particular passion of Kate's is helping incredible Women shed the dogma of the antiquainted patriarchal society that forced us to stay in the shadows for so long! No more!!!! A time of balance is SO required on Earth to help Mother Earth heal from the inside out! Seriously! Enough is enough! 

When Kate is not banging that drum she is often found cuddling up with her cats, or pole dancing in her living room, her chosen mode of fitness. Kate's cat's love chasing their tails around the pole so Kate has to fight them for access to it. 

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